Raising Pigs
I have always wanted to raise farm animals but never went through with it. My husband didn't mind the idea but it was mostly my idea. After we got our chickens, I really wanted to raise a feeder pig. After we found out that pigs do better in pairs or more, we asked my in-laws (who live next door) if they would like to get a pig too and we could raise them together. They said yes so I got on the internet and started looking to find somewhere we could get some pigs. I found an ad on Craigslist for a guy who raised show pigs, so I called him up to see if he would also have feeder pigs. Well turns out they are about the same thing. He said he had a couple pigs that would do well for us.
At the time we had nowhere to put any pigs. It was getting late in the season though and the pigs were getting bigger so if we were going to get any pigs, we needed to do it quickly. So I told the guy that we would pick up the pigs on Sunday (3 days from the time I called). That meant that my husband and father in law would have to get a fence built that would hold our pigs and give them some shelter in 2 days time. They worked their butts off and got it built. They even had to work in the rain. They had to dig trenches to bury the fence 2 ft. down because pigs are pretty destructive and love to dig. They finished the fence at 1:30 Sunday and we needed to pick up the pigs at 2:00. Just in time!
We got our piggies home and they are loving the mud. The kids really love them, especially Ben :)